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International Center for Training and Research in Gestalt Psychology
Associate Certification Course in 
Gestalt Psychology
(Inspired by the Work of Fritz Perls & as taught by Dick McHugh)
Resources, Articles & Pre-work:
Gestalt is a form of psychotherapy which teaches you tools & provides you with therapeutic skills for awareness, acceptance and self direction. It brings clients new perspectives and positive change into their lives by clear understanding of thoughts, emotions & behavior.

Gestalt Therapy is an approach to mental wellness that helps people resolve past conflicts and become more present. It can help people address symptoms of mental health conditions. The various tools and techniques you will learn will help you unmask all emotions that are not you and help you transform into your true self.

As Associates, we’ll work on feeling the present moment. and understanding our environment, and our thought processes to perceive the environment around us. Through various activities, exercises and practices, we’ll learn to dissociate from what's not us to associate with the beauty of the present moment.
Premium Academic Resources (available for free)
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There is an emphasis on perception in this particular theory of counselling. Gestalt Psychology gives attention to how we place meaning and make sense of our world and our experiences.
Human beings constitute a large part of the world. A world full of various living beings, their subspecies and a constant cycle of life and death. Plants, animals, insects and humans all live together on this same planet
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Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you thoughts are represented through your senses. What could be a joyous event for one could be a tragedy for another and upset for yet another. 

Research Papers:

Anger: Examining Anger Variations and their Effects

Author Affiliations
Author: Anil Thomas
Co-Author: Pranjali Vatsa


Anger is one of the simplest and primary emotions felt by human beings but this emotion can single-handedly give rise to various negative emotions like frustration, aggression, irritation, sadness, grief and pain.

Treatment of Trauma through Integrational Dissociation and Distortion

Author Affiliations
Anil Thomas


Trauma has been one of the oldest and most difficult sufferings of humans. Even though the source of trauma has passed, there are long-lasting effects that generations have to deal with.

Gestalt Cycle: The Resistance of Commerce

Author Affiliations
Anil Thomas


This brief report throws light on the evolution of humans, the various universal emotions that exist like happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, surprise and anger and the biological basis of the human brain, the two different hemispheres, the lobes and the functions that it performs.

Next live training dates are from 14th Aug to 17th Aug 2025.

A transformational 4 day live training experience, offering a hybrid flexibility: 
  • Attend in person in Mumbai or 
  • Join online from the comfort of your home
Timings  2pm to 10pm on 14th Aug
2pm to 10pm on 15th Aug onwards.
Admissions are open. Apply now to check vision alignment and join the course.
Early bird registrations currently ongoing.

Available on Registration

Premium Academic Resources

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Introduction to Gestalt


12 Videos

Access to the preview classes of 2023.

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Intro Day


1 Video

Introduction to Gestalt.

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Managing state before breath work


1 Video

Psychologists of diverse orientations have utilized breathing interventions for a wide range of purposes and in a myriad of contexts.

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What is Gestalt 


Gestalt therapy is associated historically with the “Third Wave” in clinical psychology. However, it is best conceived as a holistic and assimilating approach capable of integrating essential tenets of cognitive behavioral, psychoanalytic, systems, and body-oriented modalities. It is experiential. It is existential. It is phenomenological, and it is behavioral. Gestalt therapy provides a therapist with a natural way of being with clients, but it defies easy mastery or simplistic reduction.

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Gestalt Mentors


Frederick or Friedrich Salomon Perls entered the history as Fritz Perls, a famous psychiatrist and psychotherapist. He was a Jew born in Germany who developed an absolutely new approach in psychotherapy. According to this theory, one of the primary objectives of Gestalt therapy is the ability to restore self-awareness which is lost when a psychological disorder becomes evident.

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Gestalt Psychology


Gestalt literally translates to ‘unified whole’. It is a psychological term that hypotheses that people tend to organise visual elements into groups or ‘unified wholes’ when a certain principle is applied. Basically, the whole is different from the sum of its parts.

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White Triangle


1 Video


The human mind can perceive wonderful things- those that are there and those that aren‟t. We have the power to view reality as more or less than what it is. What we observe and perceive defines how our brain functions, and what truths we prefer or are conditioned to see from our surroundings. On a daily basis, notice how your brain comprehends interactions, beliefs and transactions. You will notice that a lot of the real world is distorted because of our perception. Our mind has a tendency to fill the gaps in our knowledge, or our surroundings through language, for them to make more sense to us.

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Intro to Unfinished Business and chair


1 Video


People have a lot of worries and difficulties in life. The problem occurs when people carry all the emotions attached to them throughout their life or repress their emotions regarding them. Not confronting such difficult situations will ultimately lead to individuals living their life with a lot of negative emotions such as anger, guilt, shame etc.

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Role Identity 


7 Video

Gestalt psychology proposes that the brain works holistically, parallelly, and analogously with self-organization tendencies. It emphasizes that the human mind groups similar elements, recognizes patterns and simplifies complex images when we perceive objects

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Balance is Key (Polarity Collapse)


Polarity is a concept which was brought in psychology by Carl Jung. He described a polarity as the relationship between two elements that are on opposite ends of a spectrum, with neither element, or in this case, pattern of behavior and perception, being right or wrong.

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Integrating masculinity & feminity polarity


1 Video

polarity is a concept of dualism between masculine and feminine. More generally, the term may be used to denote mutual opposition between sexual ideologies.

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Some Concepts


1.Phenomenology, 2.Fantasy- Self-Hypnosis, 3.Projection-Introjection, 4.Homeostasis, 5.Somatic Syntax, 6.Bioenergetics 7.Bioenergetics

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Memory and Cognition


In some ways memory is like file drawers where you store mental information. Some drawers are interconnected, some are not. There are some of these drawers we access at times, others are just there, some are totally disjoint from the others, some are so far off place that we cannot even access the data and sometimes we forget which particular drawer has what data.

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Trauma & Gestalt


1 Video

Trauma has been one of the oldest and most difficult sufferings of humans. Even though the source of trauma has passed, there are long-lasting effects that generations have to deal with.

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Language Creates Experience 


1 Video


Initially, Gestalt theory was essentially formulated at the level of sensory perception, particularly at the level of visualization. It soon became clear, however, that Gestalt principles were not only relevant to perception but also to other cognitive procedures such as language processing and the determination of meaning.

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Psychodrama (Matrix)


The purpose of psychodrama is to resolve conflicts and gain insight through action rather than talk alone. Through role-play, thoughts, feelings and behaviours emerge simultaneously to bring to light what is being carried (and often repressed) in the Psyche. One specific application in clinical situations is for people suffering from dysfunctional attachments.

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Abnormal Psychology


Abnormal psychology is a division of psychology that studies people who are "abnormal" or "atypical" compared to the members of a given society. Abnormal Psychology concerns itself with the understanding, study, and treatment of mental illness.

Learning is the discovery that something is possible
-Fritz Perls

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